Uncertainty in Life

Pradeep Srivastav
5 min readApr 24, 2021

The only constant in life is change !!! This change leads to Uncertainty. This unexpected /unknown realm or aspect has messed up the minds of every individual during this pandemic resulting in increased levels of anxiety / stress. Consequences of chronic worrying are many like release of harmful levels of stress causing hormones that can affect heart health, increased blood pressure, eating disorders, loss of self-confidence and the functioning of the immune system.

How can it can’t be avoided? The best way to deal with it is to learn techniques that help you live with the changes, adapt and make the best of it. Try to get rid of the nagging feeling of dejection / depression accompanying worry and trying to control something that is beyond you.

Few techniques to manage such uncertainties in life:

Focus on what you can control

I remember a few months back; I was in too much of anxiety owing to a few personal issues. While I was talking to my brother, he said, Pls remember, if it’s in your control, be happy and work towards it. If it’s not you can’t do anything about it then just forget it. Oftentimes, we overlook the little things we can do to make life easier while obsessing about the big things we can’t do. Focus on the things you can control while ignoring those that you can’t. In every situation you are in, there are always factors that you can control and factors that you can’t. Do what you can to influence them, but don’t obsess over them.

Decide what is important to you?

Many times, when you ponder about the issues which are bothering and sparking discomfort to you, are actually not of great importance in your life. Stop brooding over trivialities — List down the worries and gradually start giving them less importance in your life. Ignore the ones which are not in the Top 2. You will find most of the issues which were giving you a feeling of uncertainty will vanish. Remember happiness is found within and your thoughts definitely affect your mood.

“Don’t pray for better days, pray for a better attitude to withstand uncertain days”

Mac Duke The Strategist

Practice Mindfulness

Meditation is the best way to be mindful. There are other ways too to be mindful like reading, writing, dancing etc. If you only think about the things you can’t control, you get into a fear-driven thought process instead of focusing on the good things happening to you and around you. Utilize this time to enhance your aura and remain positive.

Learn a skill …. As formal education will make you a living but Self education will make you a fortune.

Negative Feelings

Banish negative feelings. Though it’s natural to have such feelings but you need to practice to have only positive feelings and hope. Still if you have a few, it’s better to talk to someone who can be of help. Sit in your imaginary mighty chair and relax. Inhale deeply , hold your breath and exhale profusely. Keep reinforcing the idea in your subconscious mind that “you have made it so far and will surge past ahead eventually” The negativity and pessimism will disappear. Nurture positive feelings & absolve all negative feelings.

Patience & Confidence:

Build patience. Indulge in activities that give you positive feelings, make you feel better. Build realistic time frames. Replace your expectations with plans else you will land up with disappointments. Be confident that you have more control than the environment in your life. Believe you are fully responsible for your happiness and success. Never ever perceive that naysayers have more control than you over your life. Life isn’t meant to be easy, it’s meant to be lived. We may have happy or rough times but with every up and down we learn lessons that makes us stronger. People with confidence tend to be happier and more proactive than the others.

Learn to accept:

Part of dealing with uncertainty involves learning to accept that, no matter how much we fight against it we will not be able to control / avoid it.. Prepare for different possibilities. It’s more about assuring yourself that you can handle any difficulty that might arise.

“We also must realize that we are now living in the most uncertain times of our lives. Things are changing at a very rapid pace and we do not have much control on what is going on around us. Probably the only thing we can still control in our mind and thoughts.”

Abhishek Ratna

Stop looking for security

More often than not in such situations we try to find security by seeking reassurances or validation from others. You should stop looking for securities. Be self-confident and be positive. Things will happen for good. Uncertainty is temporary. This too shall pass and good days will come.

When we resist change, we stay stagnant, and when we are stagnant, we are dead. We cannot innovate, we cannot change, and we cannot create in a meaningful way. It is through uncertainty that our character gets moulded, and we learn some of our best lessons

- Personalexcellence.co

Stress reduction techniques

Body stress affects blood pressure, blood sugar, muscle tension, cholesterol level, breathing rate, and every organ in your body. Incorporate stress reduction techniques into your day, ideally meditate, even if for just five to ten minutes daily. Regular exercises, Gym, Swimming, Running & Singing are another good ways of reducing stress.

Uncertainty isn’t a bad thing. Uncertainty is a part of life and it can’t be avoided. What’s coming tomorrow might not be easy — or it might fulfil you in ways you didn’t know to imagine. What’s certain is that it will come and when it gets here, you’ll respond to it, learn from it, and move into another tomorrow full of endless possibilities. So, live your life as you would, independent of the uncertainty.



Pradeep Srivastav

Blogger on Supply Chain/ Sales & Personality Development/ Fitness