Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle

Fitness was nowhere on my mind throughout my life since I always thought that playing, running, walking and gyming are meant for the affluent class and sports persons.
As age was slowly and steadily catching up for me and my colleagues, I noticed more and more people getting into such activities for fitness and health. This made me seriously consider having a more active lifestyle and participating in such activities to ensure my well-being.
Though it was hard to take time out to get into such activities at the start, but slowly I got hold of a rhythm. After settling in this cadence of walking, climbing stairs instead of using the elevator and swimming it’s now very hard to not do these activities on any given day and feel happy and content. As a side-effect, I’m more mindful of what I put into my body which has led me to forego junk food and having low calorie food etc.
My reason to write this blog is that there is a big population like me out there in today’s world, who are spending their time on earning money, coping with office & household pressure and being busy all the time.
My advice for all of them is that it’s never too late to start but it is very important for each individual to get into fitness activities and eat what is right. Fitness essentially doesn’t mean being an athlete, gymmer, sports person etc. It essentially means:
a. Getting out of a sedentary life style
b. Being aware of what is good or what is not good for health & fitness
c. Avoiding unhealthy food
d. Get into Exercising, Meditation / Yoga or playing a sport of your choice
e. Doing small things which helps you be fit.
f. Making this a part of your lifestyle consistently.
I should admit this to my readers that after I got into this, this has helped me in few key things:
- Being more positive than before
- Feeling fitter and better
- Feeling Energetic
- Eating good food
- Improved thought process and reduced stress.
- Leading a more-active / less sedentary lifestyle
- Taking out time for being fit.
- Started loving the games which I was missing
- Shedding excess weight and always wanting to make my body fitter
- Wanting to look young all the time!
In a world of hectic lifestyle where everyone is pressured from all angles, desire to earn and succeed more, the need of making fitness activities a part of your life is very important. You can get into whatever you feel good about and are comfortable with, be it — yoga, sports or other forms of exercises.
You could also take a help of the plethora of fitness apps which I’ve found to be very useful.
In a nutshell, fitness is a way of life not an option. Be fit and make time for your body because that’s where you’re going to spend the rest of your life.